Career counselling registration form

Welcome to Maharashtra Career Guidance Portal

Login to your career dashboard by entering your Saral ID and Password. This login will help you in exploring careers, colleges, exams, vocational courses, and scholarships. If you don’t know your Saral ID then kindly contact your teacher or principal.

English मराठी


(Please make sure to add 0 at the beginning of the number while dialing)

Welcome to Maharashtra Career Guidance Portal

Login to your career dashboard by entering your Saral ID and Password. This login will help you in exploring careers, colleges, exams, vocational courses, and scholarships. If you don’t know your Saral ID then kindly contact your teacher or principal.

English मराठी


For Student : 08069387947

For Principal : 08069387949

For Trainer : 08069387948

(Please make sure to add 0 at the beginning of the number while dialing)