Apply to Become a Notary

Effective November 1, 2018, all notary applicants (new and renewal) must submit a certified criminal background check from a local law enforcement entity (Sheriff, Police, etc.) with their application. The background check cannot be older than 30 days.

*Exemption for attorneys only - Must present a current Georgia Bar card.

In addition, all new and renewing notary applicants must complete the online notary training and complete the online exam available at :Elearn GSCCCA. There is a $2.00 fee associated with the completion of the class and final exam. Applicants must achieve a score of 90% or higher. This certificate shall be presented with your completed application.

*Exemption for attorneys only - Must present a current Georgia Bar card.

To complete your online notary application, visit Georgia Clerk’s Authority and select "notaries and apostilles."

New Notary Commission/ Notary Renewal in person

The fee for a notary commission is $55.00. Fulton County Clerk of Superior and Magistrate Courts accepts checks, credit/debit, and money orders (No Personal Out-of-State Checks). Checks must be made payable to Fulton County, Clerk of Superior, and Magistrate Courts. Applicants must provide proof of residency with one of the following:

*Please carefully review the background check qualifications below before proceeding with your notary application.


1-2 Misdemeanor Charges: Most recent charge cannot be within one (1) year of the application submission date.

3 or more Misdemeanor Charges: Most recent charge cannot be within three (3) years of the application submission date.


1-2 Felony Charges: Most recent charge cannot be within 2 (2) years of the application submission date.

3 or More Felony Charges: Most recent charge cannot be within five (5) years of the application submission date.

Applicants should bring their completed application to the Fulton County Clerk of Superior Court’s office for processing within 14 days of the online entry. We will not accept any handwritten applications or applications modified in writing. Applications must have the applicant’s physical address (We will not accept P.O. Box addresses).

Applications not processed within 14 days will be deleted from the online site and the applicant will be required to re-enter all information.

Endorsers must be over 18 years of age, legal residents in Fulton County, and must not be related to the applicant. The application must have the endorser’s physical address (Work addresses will not be accepted).

Notary Commission Renewal by-mail

The fee for a notary renewal by mail is $60.00. Please sign the application in the presence of a notary and mail:

For assistance regarding your notary application, please contact one of our office’s service locations.

Please note: While walk-ins are currently welcomed at our Downtown location, effective April 19, 2021, it will be mandatory that you schedule an appointment at all of our locations (Downtown, North Annex, and South Annex).

D owntown Location

136 Pryor Street SW - Suite C155
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 613-5313

North Service Center
7741 Roswell Road
Atlanta, GA 30350
(404) 613-5313

Appointments are available until 4 PM and the last walk-ins are accepted at 4 PM.

South Service Center

5600 Stonewall Tell Road
College Park, GA 30349
(404) 613-5313

Appointments are available until 4 PM and the last walk-ins are accepted at 4 PM.

Please submit all mailings to the primary Downtown location.